Syrian Future Movement Issues a Statement on Revenge Killings in Syria

الاربعاء 11/12/2024
Damascus - The Syrian Future Movement has issued a strongly worded statement addressing the recent circulation of videos depicting revenge killings, some of which have been shared by media outlets aligned with the so-called Resistance Axis. The Movement emphasized that these videos, often old and irrelevant to the current stage in Syria, undermine efforts toward national reconciliation and the establishment of a new, peaceful era.

The statement called on the Syrian people to remain vigilant against being influenced by calls for violence, revenge, or the rekindling of sectarian hatred. It stressed that the Syrian nation is at the threshold of a new chapter, striving to shed the remnants of its painful past and build a state based on law, equality, and justice for all citizens.

The Syrian Future Movement highlighted the dangers of revenge and retaliation, describing them as fleeting and unsustainable victories that ignite blind hatred. Such acts, the statement warned, could be exploited for future agendas detrimental to the Syrian people's interests and existence.

The Movement urged the transitional government to issue a clear and firm condemnation of revenge killings, emphasizing that such actions obstruct transitional justice and the success of the new phase in Syria.

The statement also warned against ignoring the harmful impact of these videos on civil peace and efforts to rehabilitate the country. It accused those involved in executing, filming, and disseminating such acts (if recent) of being traitorous operatives undermining the Syrian people's interests. The Movement called for their immediate arrest and severe punishment, labeling their actions as high treason and a continuation of the regime's oppressive legacy.

Moreover, the Movement identified those responsible for producing and sharing these videos, whether old or new, as adversaries of the international efforts to remove Syria from terrorism lists. It called for legal action to track and hold them accountable.

Reiterating the importance of transitional justice, the Movement stressed the necessity of arresting criminals, ensuring they face fair trials, and documenting their crimes transparently. It affirmed that justice is the foundation of stability and that adherence to the rule of law strengthens the nation, society, and the state.

The Syrian Future Movement concluded by underscoring that a commitment to justice and legal principles is essential to bolster the legitimacy of the Syrian revolution and its vision for a democratic future.

تعليقات الزوار إن التعليقات الواردة لا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي وفكر إدارة الموقع، بل يتحمل كاتب التعليق مسؤوليتها كاملاً
أضف تعليقك
الاسم  *
البريد الالكتروني
حقل البريد الالكتروني اختياري، وسيتم عرضه تحت التعليق إذا أضفته
عنوان التعليق  *
نص التعليق  *
يرجى كتابة النص الموجود في الصورة، مع مراعاة الأحرف الكبيرة والصغيرة رموز التحقق
رد على تعليق
الاسم  *
البريد الالكتروني
حقل البريد الالكتروني اختياري، وسيتم عرضه تحت التعليق إذا أضفته
نص الرد  *
يرجى كتابة النص الموجود في الصورة، مع مراعاة الأحرف الكبيرة والصغيرة رموز التحقق
اسـتفتــاء الأرشيف

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