Written by: Khaled Abdel Hamid Mustafa..Force of Law or Law of Force: Who Rules the World Today?

In light of the increasing global tensions and multiple conflicts that dominate the political and economic scene, the question arises: Who rules the world today? Is it the force of law that should guarantee justice and freedom for all peoples? Or is it the law of force that imposes its control, where military force and self-interests govern the fate of nations? This duality reflects a complex reality in which laws dominate on paper, while in reality, the law of force is imposed on peoples, leading to the suffering of millions of innocents under the pressure of “legalized bullying” at the global level.

The Law of Power: Military and Economic Dominance Throughout History

Military and economic power have been a means to achieve control and influence. With the development of technology and the increasing economic interconnectedness between countries, powerful countries have imposed their will on the international scene through military alliances and economic strategies that subjugate weaker countries. The United States, for example, has long used its military and economic influence to impose its policies on Third World countries, often ignoring the principles of international law and human rights.

On the other hand, we find other powers such as Russia and China strengthening their influence by using economic and military power to expand their regional and international sphere of influence. This struggle for hegemony reflects the law of power that governs the world today, where peoples' rights and human rights are marginalized in exchange for political and economic gains.

Peoples who pay the price

In this struggle between major powers"

Peoples are left to bear the burdens. Among the most affected peoples are the Palestinian people who have suffered for decades from occupation and ongoing conflicts, and the Syrian people whose country has been destroyed by civil war and foreign interventions. The Yemeni people are also victims of a regional and international struggle between powers seeking to achieve their interests at the expense of their suffering. And last but not least, the brotherly people of Sudan.

hadhih alshueub tuetbr dahaya albaltajat almuqananat alati tasharaenaha alquaa alkubraa taht musamayat mukhtalifatin, mithl muharabat al'iirhab 'aw nashr aldiymuqratiati. wbdlaan min himayat hawula' al'abria' watahqiq aleadalat lahum, tustkhdm alquat li'iidamat alsiraeat watahqiq almakasib alsiyasiati.
quat alqanuni: al'amal aldaayieu"
raghm kuli dhalika, la yazal hunak 'amal fi quat alqanuni. alqawanin alduwaliat wamithaq al'umam almutahidat tahdif 'iilaa tahqiq aleadalat walsalam alealamiayna, walakina almushkilat takmun fi tatbiq hadhih alqawanin wa'iihtiramaha. almuasasat alduwaliati, mithl majlis al'amn walmahkamat aljinayiyat alduwaliati, tajid nafsaha fi kathir min al'ahyan eajizatan 'amam 'iiradat alduwal alkubraa alati tuhaymin ealaa alqarar alduwali.

However, there are peoples and countries that still believe in the power of law and strive to achieve justice through legal and diplomatic channels. These efforts face great challenges, but they represent the only hope for a future in which the world relies on the power of law rather than the law of force.

In conclusion, the conflict between the power of law and the law of force reflects the major challenges facing the world today. While major powers impose their control through military and economic force, vulnerable peoples pay the heavy price for this legalized bullying. However, hope remains in the power of law and the international will to achieve peace and justice. The challenge lies in the ability of the international community to achieve this difficult balance between preserving and enforcing the law, and curbing the power that knows no limits. Ultimately, the question remains: Will we witness a world governed by law, or will we remain hostages to the law of force?

تعليقات الزوار إن التعليقات الواردة لا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي وفكر إدارة الموقع، بل يتحمل كاتب التعليق مسؤوليتها كاملاً
أضف تعليقك
الاسم  *
البريد الالكتروني
حقل البريد الالكتروني اختياري، وسيتم عرضه تحت التعليق إذا أضفته
عنوان التعليق  *
نص التعليق  *
يرجى كتابة النص الموجود في الصورة، مع مراعاة الأحرف الكبيرة والصغيرة رموز التحقق
رد على تعليق
الاسم  *
البريد الالكتروني
حقل البريد الالكتروني اختياري، وسيتم عرضه تحت التعليق إذا أضفته
نص الرد  *
يرجى كتابة النص الموجود في الصورة، مع مراعاة الأحرف الكبيرة والصغيرة رموز التحقق
اسـتفتــاء الأرشيف

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